Blue Ribbon Postage!

Now, I have sad news to share with you....
Dr. Bill Krivit passed away this week. What a loss for the MLD community! He was a pioneer in the transplant process...he transplanted the children of some of my friends. He loved his children patients, and just loved life! I met him at an MLD conference in Washington, DC. Jacqueline (from the Myelin Project) and I laughed and laughed and laughed, as Dr. Krivit told us many jokes. He also told us his age, and when we didn't believe him, he pulled out his driver's license, and told us that people "asked for his ID" all the time! He was a funny, quick-witted, kind-hearted gentleman. He will be missed! Our sympathies to his family.
Samuel Young Stennis, father of Dr. Sam Stennis, also passed away this week. I called him "Mr. Sam," (and I call his son, "Dr. Sam). Mr. Sam was such a precious, gentle man. He loved to watch his grandchildren play sports - football, basketball, or volleyball. It didn't matter which sport -- he loved them, if his grandchildren were playing. Recently, Mr. Sam's pastor came to see him, and asked if he could pray for him. Mr. Sam told the pastor that he appreciated it, but he would rather the pastor pray for "[his] son who is sick." Of course, he was referring to Dr. Sam. What a loving man! Our sympathies to the Stennis family. Mr. Sam was a precious man...I will miss him.
And I will pray for his son who is sick, Dr. Sam Stennis. I will also continue to pray for Max and Sam Trimper; for Anthony, Matt, and Laura Grace Tomaino; for John, Christopher, and Jack Evanosky; for Caleb and Levi Johnson; for Dominic and Dennis Geisser; for Emma McGregor; for Lucas Viscomi; for Maddigan Lang; for Tucker Wells; for Athena Reitano; for Emily Hart; Kaitlyn Roberts; Cory Lewis; Patrick Osmar; Joe Graham; Elana Hageness; Olivia Hoffman; Gabriel Smith; Nicolas Roy; Zach Harrison; Micah Fleming; Lorenzo Odone; Ashleigh Gwin; Jackson White; Lindy Suhr; and so many others! I'll pray for their healing, and I will fight for their health. I'm so tired of these babies, children, and adults losing their lives here, because of these horrible diseases called the leukodystrophies. The war is on....and we will WIN! (Right, Bob Evanosky?)
Please pray for the Trimpers and Hancocks, and all who have recently lost loved ones, as they continue to face the "firsts" without them. And as always, we ask that you keep all of the Leukodystrophy families in your prayers.